Friday, 8 October 2010

Check out our stonking new beer fridge line-up!

On a bit of a whim yesterday, I decided it was high time we freshen things up in the beer fridge at the front of the shop. The American craft beers have been going very well for us for a good while now, so time to mix it up a bit I figured. With no strategy or planning, and nothing guiding my choices other than the simple requirement that the beer be damn tasty (and the prices be damned), I trundled back and forth from the beer room grabbing armfuls of bottles straight off the shelves (I said no strategy! I immediately had to go down to the cellar and bring up bottles to fill the shelves - Why not just go from cellar to fridge eh?) and crammed them into the fridge until I was struggling to get the door closed.

The result? One heck of an eclectic assortment of beer styles, breweries, regions and flavours, including some fairly pricey bottles depending on your views on the price of a pint these days (it's a touchy subject, I know). Tipping the scales at the steep end, we've got the likes of Hades, Liefmans and Infrared weighing in around the £3ish mark, and at the bargain basement clearout level, there's Vedett Extra White reduced to just £1.20/bottle (it's BB is this month; the wholesale guys bought waaaay too much so I offered to put it in the shop on a bin end and help them out. It's actually rather tasty, and more than worth £1.20).

The full line-up:

  • Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Beer (fantastic crisp, light and refreshing wheat beer from Chicago)
  • Hawkshead Lakeland Lager (gorgeously moreish pilsner from one of the UK's best breweries)
  • Liefmans Cuvee Brut (sparkling cherry beer from Belgium)
  • Hardknott Infrared IPA (Ruby red IPA - big big flavours & punchy hops)
  • Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA (American style IPA, full of hops)
  • Anchor Humming Ale (seasonal San Francisco beer brewed throughout the Autumn, deliciously refreshing fruity hops)
  • Vedett Extra White (Belgian wheat beer)
  • Great Divide Hades (Belgian-Style Golden Ale from Denver, Colorado)
  • BrewDog 5AM Saint (Very hoppy amber ale, packed with distinctive flavour and style)
  • Knops California Common (marvelous Scottish interpretation of Californian "Steam" beer)
As you walk in the front door of the shop, the fridge is facing you, with "Beer with flavour, right here" rather cheekily now emblazoned across the front of it. Stop by and pick out a couple of bottles each time, if for no other reason than to try something new and different. Some of these beers will be unlike anything you've ever tried before, others will be fantastic versions of styles you already know and love. Whatever the case, they all deserve a chance to fill your glass over the next couple of weeks.

If you'd like a mixed case of this lot delivered to your door (or any other beers for that matter), get in touch with me via e-mail: We have some 150 beers to go at. ;)

Have you tried any of these beers before? What did you think of them? Any favourites you think I should put in next time round?

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